Ireland Tax ID Numbers

The Irish Personal Public Service Number (PPS) is 8 or 9 characters in the format NNNNNNNAA and it includes a checksum. In 2024, the Department of Social Protection (DSP) has begun to issue PPS numbers ending with the character 'B'. The PPS is used by the Revenue Commissioners to identify taxpayers. PPS-numbers are issued automatically on birth registration for children born in the country. Anyone else must make application at an office of the Department of Social Protection.

Tax Reference Number ( TRN )

For Individuals, Entities, VAT , Example: IE 1234567FA

The Irish Tax Reference Number (TRN) is 8 or 9 characters in the format NNNNNNXAA with an optional prefix of IE when used as a VAT number. A TRN is issued by the Revenue Commissioners when a non-natural person registers for tax, and is subsequently used by the Revenue Commissioners to identify those taxpayers. Non-natural persons can be Companies, Partnerships, Trusts, and Unincorporated Bodies and it is not reported on official documents of identification.

Verify tax ID numbers with Tax ID Pro: