Adam Williams

Service Dominant Logic: How it can help better promote your product

The service dominant logic (S-D) approach came about in 2004 and is a fantastic principle for marketing a product. There is a whole feast of information available to read so this is a concise guide to help you get to grips with it.

The S-D logic requires you to treat products as a service offering. Instead of seeing your product as a simple cash exchange, you must view it as a tool to support a service that will benefit the customer.

To put it simply, service is the fundamental basis of exchange. Although products are involved, the main aims of the products are to benefit a customer’s need.

For example, Audi is not selling cars, it is providing mobility services through the cars that they manufacture.

So how is this useful?

Well before the dawn of social media, companies preferred to market to their customers. However, since the Internet has arisen, companies now prefer to market with their customers. The S-D logic promotes marketing with customers as it extends communication, allowing companies to build a rapport and better understand their market, while tackling any issues that may occur throughout the products’ life-cycle.

Another reason why S-D logic is useful is that it helps a company better market its product to consumers.

Instead of listing the technical specification of a product, it’s far better to state how the product can benefit the person using it.

Although car lovers enjoy hearing that their choice of car can accelerate from 0-60mph in just under 5 seconds, ultimately it will not be the selling point for the majority of buyers. Instead, selling the service that the product provides is a far stronger selling point; the car is comfortable; can save you money on fuel; will entertain your children for hours on long distance journeys (with the headrest televisions of course).

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By providing a service, a company will be able to answer questions which may otherwise never have been asked by a potential customer. This will better support sales and the brand image.

My suggestion

Create a blue print of every interaction that a customer may have with your product. From the moment they hear or see it to the moment they dispose of it. Throughout this time, the customer will have built a relationship with your product.

The aim is to ensure that your product meets their (service) expectation throughout its life-cycle, so that they will return to you at the end of it.

Product marketing no longer ends after purchase, there is a lot more to consider and the S-D logic will help you to create interactions with your customers where you didn’t necessarily see beneficial before now.

Guest post by Leena Marsh

Marketing Manager and brand expert, I work with companies to increase their brand awareness and marketing activities to generate revenue and more business opportunities. I have a keen interest in social media, a passion for moaning and work at WAE+ .

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