Business Logistics Management : Planning, Organizing, and Controlling the Supply Chain

Introduction and planning; Business logistics - a vital subject; Logistics strategy and planning; Customer service goals; The logistics product; Logistics customer service; Order processing and information systems; Transport strategy; Transport fundamentals; Transport decisions; inventory strategy; The storage and handling system; Forecasting logistics requirements; Inventory policy decisions; Purchasing and supply scheduling decisions; Storage and handling decisions; Location strategy; Facility location decisions; The network planning process; Organization and control; Logistics organization; Logistics audit and control; Appendices; Index.

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Название Business Logistics Management: Planning, Organizing, and Controlling the Supply Chain
Автор Ronald H. Ballou
Издание: 4
Издатель Prentice Hall, 1999
ISBN 0137956592, 9780137956593
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 681
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan