is articulate when reading a variety of short simple written materials and precisely uses various reading strategies (ie. go-chart) in order to build vocabulary and knowledge of word structures
often forgets capital letters and punctuation
@ is learning how to use new vocabulary words in his/her conversations.
can copy words and simple phrases and is working on printing in lowercase letters
can copy words clearly and without errors.
can express their thoughts and feelings through the French language
can identify all upper and lowercase letters and most sounds
can identify most upper and lowercase letters and sounds
can name all the French sounds.
can name most letter sounds and is encouraged to practice this over the summer.
can offer answers when questions are asked during daily French routines
can record information from a story/text
can repeat simple sentences pertaining to our themes.
can repeat simple words and sentences and has good pronunciation.
can understand the meaning and intent of French texts and expressions
can write short simple phrases following models
consistently demonstrates comprehension of short spoken texts by answering questions, and illustrating the events described
consistently reads grade level material independently
consistently uses thematic vocabulary taught in class when reading his/her booklets.
copies a thematic sentence following a model
count to ___. @ can name most letter sounds and is encouraged to practice this over the summer.
demonstrates a positive interest in French routines.
demonstrates critical thinking skills in written work
displays good comprehension in French and attempts to use new vocabulary to express herself/himself.
does not always pay attention to punctuation
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