Dr. Prasanta Banerji Homoeopathic Research Foundation

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Emergency Medicines

Please find below a list of emergency medicines here.

Please note, these are medicines that can be administered to provide relief for certian ailments. These are not prescriptions.

Emergency medicines: -
(Take medicines in pills size 40) 2pills a dose, every 2 to 3 hours, even every1 hour also as necessary.

(1) Bryonia Alba 30 + Aconitum Nap 200 (mixed) if not, take 2 pills of each medicines together at a time = 1 dose - Generalised cold & cough, feverish
(2) Ipecacuanha 30,
Cough, Chest congestion, Breathing trouble, vomiting
(3) Lycopodium Clavat 30,
Generalised cold, running nose, nose block, sneezing, gas, generalised swelling
(4) Hepar Sulph 200,
Generalised throat trouble, dry cough
(5) Eupatorium Per 30 + Belladonna 3, (mixed) if not take 2 pills of each medicines together at a time = 1 dose
Generalised fever
(6) Arnica Mont 3 + Cuprum Met 6, (mixed) if not take 2 pills of each medicines together at a time = 1 dose
High fever/with convulsions (Every 10 to 15 min.), head injury
(7) Ipecacuanha 30 + Merc Sol 6, (mixed) if not take 2 pills of each medicines together at a time = 1 dose
Generalised mucous stool, dysentery/blood dysentery
(8) Veratrum Album 200 + Cuprum Met 6, (mixed) if not take 2 pills of each medicines together at a time = 1 dose - Loose motion, diarrhoea, Acute gastro-entritis/with vomiting
(9) Arsenic Alb 3, 2dr.pills.
Generalised acidity, gas, dyspepsia, stomach pain
(10) Arnica Mont 30,
Generalised trauma, injury, bodyache
(11) Hypericum 200 + Arsenicum 200, (mixed) if not take 2 pills of each medicines together at a time = 1 dose- Generalised cut injury, abrasion, laceration, injury infection/pus, traumatic wounds
(12) Nux Vom 30, 2dr.pills.
Generalised stomach trouble, acidity, gas, constipation, dyspepsia, loose stool
(13) Nux Vom 30 + Coloc 200, (mixed) if not take 2 pills of each medicines together at a time = 1 dose
Stomach pain (Every 10 to 15 min.)
(14) Sanguinaria Can 200 + Belladonna 3, (mixed) if not take 2 pills of each medicines together at a time = 1 dose - Generalised headache (every 1/2hr), sinusitis, cold, nose block
(15) Ferrum Phos 3X, tablets.
Any type of bleeding, haemorrhage (Every 10 to 15 min.)
(16) Magnesia Phos 3X, (Tablets)
Any type of severe pain (5 tabs, every 5 to 10 min.)
(17) Antimonium Crud 6, 2dr.pills.
Generalised skin trouble, allergic itching
(18) Belladonna 3 liquid (One dose=2drops in water)
Fever, headache, any pain, Bell 3 may be used alternately with any medicines at any interval, Pain in menses.