Save PowerPoint presentations as PDF Files

The PDF file format is often used when it is necessary to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for printing, viewing, or e-mailing, as well as for format-preserving sharing and security purposes. The PDF version of the presentation can be viewed and printed by those who do not have PowerPoint.

You can save the entire presentation, custom show, or just some slides to the PDF file. Animations, transitions, and sounds are not preserved in a PDF file.

PowerPoint offers different ways to save a workbook in PDF format:

Choose the one you prefer:

Save the entire presentation as a PDF file using the Save As pane

On the File tab, click Save As (or Save a Copy, if you opened a document from any non-local storage), then from the File type dropdown list, select PDF:

Save As PDF in PowerPoint 365

If needed, click the More options. link to open the Save As dialog box with additional options that control the PDF output details (see below):

More options in Save As pane PowerPoint 365

Save the entire presentation, custom show, or some slides as a PDF file using the Save As dialog box

On the File tab, click Save As, then click Browse to open the Save As dialog box. In the Save As dialog box:

Save As dialog <a href=box in PowerPoint 365" width="600" height="425" />

PDF Options in PowerPoint 365