Personal Services Agreement - National Fisheries Social Specialist

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Application deadline 2 years ago: Thursday 23 Dec 2021 at 22:59 UTC

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Organizational Setting

The FAO sub-regional office for Southern Africa (SFS) has been supporting a number of interventions linked to the Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (SWIOFC). The SWIOFC Nairobi Convention partnership project (SWIOFC-NC PP) also entitled ''A Partnership for Marine and Coastal Governance and Fisheries Management for Sustainable Blue Growth'', will support through the SWIOFC and Nairobi Convention (NC) and its countries, collaboration between fisheries and environment sectors. The project has three components/outcomes: i) Resilience of livelihoods based on WIO marine and coastal ecosystem and habitats enhanced; ii) Coastal fisheries are sustainably managed using the ecosystem approach to fisheries; and iii) Coordination between fisheries and environmental management institutions enhanced at national and regional levels.

Mozambique has been selected as one of the three countries to implement pilot projects, on which lessons learnt will be shared with the wider region. In order to achieve the project objectives, two sites have been selected – Maputo Bay and Limpopo River Mouth to implement demonstration activities involving coastal and fisheries communities. As part of the project inception phase, a baseline study was carried out in Maputo Bay (Machangulo, Inhaca, Ka-Tembe, Macaneta and Muntanhane) and Limpopo River Mouth (Zongoene and Mahilene), in a view to, among others, collect preliminary socio-economic and gender-related data.

As part of Component 2, Output 2.1. on Livelihood support (activities 2.1.1 up to 2.1.5) in liaison with Component 1, Output 1.4. on Climate Change adaptation for coastal communities, the project seeks to identify necessary interventions for livelihood support of youth, women and men as part of the strategy for climate change adaptation and trade-off in the implementation fisheries management plans compliant with the EAF, as well as reinforcing critical habitats protection, restoration and management interventions in the area.

Reporting Lines

The National Fisheries social specialist will work under the overall supervision of the FAO Representative in Mozambique, and the direct supervision of the Chief Technical Advisor.

Technical Focus

The main purpose of the consultancy is;

Tasks and responsibilities

The consultant will deliver a participatory study and practically support the planning and initiation of interventions for improved alternative livelihoods in targeted communities in support of the implementation EAF fisheries management plans, critical habitats protection, restoration and management interventions, and climate change adaptation. Collaboration with other SDAE, IDEPA, MIMAIP, MTA and Nairobi Convention partners and different projects to be reflected in the discussion with the communities. The Fisheries Social Expert will undertake the following duties:


Minimum Requirements

FAO Core Competencies

Technical/Functional Skills